Compare two lists

List A   List B  
Items: ? Items: ?

Tips and tricks
How the tool works

One item per line and only one row per list. Check out this example to see how this tool works.

You can either paste your lists or click the browse buttons to use files on your local machine. Only text files can be used and maximum 15MB combined size for the two files.

The two lists will be sorted and duplicates and empty lines will be removed.

Lists are treated as case sentive (abc is not the same as ABC) unless you select . Lists will then be converted to lower case.

If the lists are large (several MB) you can select . The lists will then not be kept in the input fields and the result will not be shown but must be downloaded.

Text replacement tool

Need to remove unwanted characters like quotes or replace commas with linebreaks? Click the "Text replacement tool" button to the right.

You can use this tool to remove unwanted characters like " by replacing with blank value or replace for example , with \n (line break) to convert a comma separated list to one item on each line.

If you (double) click the replace input field, you get a list of suggestions, but you can always enter your own values.

Advanced use: You can use regular expressions and (  ) capture groups and replace with $1 etc.

Comparing Instagram followers

Important: Start by selecting to remove unwated data like dates and profile picture texts from the lists.

You can then paste your copied lists or you can upload the exported following.html and followers.html html files directly as they are.

Watch this video on Youtube to see how it can be done. After watching the first 2 minutes, just use following.html and followers.html as they are.

About the creator and donations

This tool was created by Martin Holk Rasmussen. I welcome your comments and suggestions!

As this tool is maintained in my spare time using my own funds donations are appreciated.

Your donation help keep this site alive!